Brewing Beer and Using Colloidal Silver
Brewing beer and using colloidal silver for all sanitizing has been nothing but a win win for me! I brewed my first batch of beer in 1994. I remember making a real mess the first time, but the beer was great. I’ve been brewing ever since. I quickly discovered how inexpensive it was to brew a truly great beer. It’s the same with colloidal silver. . Making your own is very inexpensive compared to what you’d pay in a store. Check out prices on Amazon. It’s also much easier to make than beer!
Soon after I started brewing, I discovered colloidal silver and its many uses. I realized that I could use it as a cost effective way to sanitize my bottles as well as fermenting equipment, carboys, airlocks, etc. I’ve used it ever since with nothing but outstanding results. After twenty-plus years of brewing over 300 batches of beer, or over 2000 gallons of beer I have never had one bad batch or bad bottle! I don’t know any other brewers who can make that claim.
What is Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal silver is water with microscopic particles of silver suspended in it. It is sold as a nutritional supplement at health food and nutritional supplement stores. From Wikipedia: “In chemistry, a colloid is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble or soluble particles is suspended throughout another substance.”
What Does Colloidal Silver Do?
For centuries colloidal silver is has been know to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. It is also essentiallly non-toxic making it perfect for sanitizing all of your brewing equipment and bottles.
How Much Colloidal Silver Do You Use?
For every gallon of water I add 8 ounces of 15 ppm (parts per million) colloidal silver solution to make the sanitizer. I then fill a spray bottle and spray all surfaces of the brewing equipment, let them set for at least 6 minutes and then rinse with water and let dry. For bottles, clean them as you would normally, then fill the bottles with the diluted colloidal silver solution and let set for 6 mintutes, empty and let dry. After the bottles are dry I also cap them to assure that no contaminants get in before their next use.
Where Can You Get Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal silver can be purchased at health and nutritional supplement stores, but it can get expensive, especially if you’re using a lot. The best solution is to have a colloidal silver generator. At we sell the Wombat Survival Travel & Preparedness Colloidal Silver Generator. They can also be purchased on Amazon, so please compare our prices.