Homemade Colloidal Silver Antimicrobial Gel

Colloidal Silver Antimicrobial GelThe pandemic has hopefully made us all aware that the most common route for viruses and germ infection if through the hands. It’s a good idea to frequently wash your hands with an antimicrobial soap. After washing your hands you can add an extra layer of protection by applying an antimcirobial gel. Homemade colloidal silver anitmicrobial gel is easy to make and costs next to nothing.

Because of the pandemic, the panic buying of sanitizer products, as well as masks and gloves produced shortages and price gouging. Make sure that you’re prepared by having being able to make your own homemade colloidal silver antimicrobial gel when needed. The best solution in an emergency is to be able to make your own colloidal silver. You can purchase the Wombat Survival Travel & Preparedness Colloidal Silver Generator, but, of course, store bought colloidal silver is fine, if you have it.

Aloe Vera Gel

Homemade Colloidal Silver Antimicrobial GelAloe vera gel is known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. Aloe vera gel contains beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants that are important to your health. Many of the these compounds inhibit the growth of infection-causing bacteria. Aloe vera has a long history of being used for treating sores, burns and sun burns. Because of these properties, it makes a great base gel for adding colloidal silver.


You can quickly make your own powerful aloe-vera-based colloidal silver gel by adding a two to four tablespoons full of colloidal silver to 1/2 cup or four fluid ounces of 100% aloe vera gel, which can be purchased inexpensively on Amazon. Shake vigorously for a about 30 seconds and that’s all there is to it!

Please be aware that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that using a hand sanitizer does not replace hand washing with soap as the first line of defense. Please see our instructions on Homemade Colloidal Silver Hand Sanitizer .